Front Pop

Looking for a soundtrack to the Summer? Look no further than this gem of an album. It was released towards the end of last year and quickly found its way into my subconscious.

Front Pop is French Boutik’s debut long player.  From the opening bars of Le Mac, there is a wonderful continental vibe that evokes, in this listener’s mind, thoughts of the French new wave.  Singer Gabriela croons through the record, backed by some classic mid-sixties style guitar, bass and drums, courtesy of Serge, Jean-Marc and Zelda.  On keys is Oliver Popincourt whose album A New Dimension In Modern Love is well worth checking out in its own right.

The band have been making music for a while now, first coming to my attention via their ep Ici Paris back in 2014.  The video for that tune is well worth a look, almost an online guided tour of the French capital.  Another ep – Mieux Comme Ca - later and they were ready to release Front Pop. 

There is so much to love about this record, starting with its title which references the Front Populaire, a key element in France’s political past.  I love the fact that most of these tunes are sung in French, the standouts for me including Le Casse, Le Chemise Dechiree and the magnificent Je Regarde Les Tigres.  The two tunes sung in English – the instant classic Hitch A Ride – one of the best love songs of recent Summers – and The Rent are equally strong.

Not only is the music great.  The vinyl album comes in immaculate packaging, complete with lyrics and a lovely double-sided poster of these sharpest of young Parisiens.  All in all, this record is a Pop Moderniste classic, destined to acquire legendary status and its own unique place in the cultural iconography of all things stylist. 

Put it on the turntable, let its Gallic charm waft across your world and pretend you're a twenty one year old Antoine Doinel in a Truffaut classic.  Front Pop. The perfect soundtrack to this and any Summer.